6 Modifying Basal Insulin Delivery
Resume insulin delivery before the suspension period ends
1. Navigate to:
Menu icon (
If the Bolus Calculator is on, tap the
large circle showing the IOB on the
Home screen's Dashboard tab.
2. Tap RESUME INSULIN to confirm
restarting the Basal Program
scheduled for the current time.
The PDM beeps to confirm that insulin
delivery has resumed.
Resume insulin delivery after the
suspension period ends
1. Wake up your PDM, if necessary.
2. Tap RESUME INSULIN to resume
insulin delivery.
The PDM activates the Basal Program
that is scheduled for the current time and
beeps to alert you that insulin delivery has
If you do not resume insulin delivery
immediately, this screen reappears and the
PDM and Pod beep every 15 minutes until
insulin delivery is resumed.
Warning: Insulin delivery does not
automatically resume at the end of
the suspension period. You must
tap RESUME INSULIN to resume
insulin delivery. If you do not resume
insulin delivery, you could develop
) > Resume Insulin
Effective Date: 18OCT2020, PCO-000235