brightness 94
Home screen 11
protector 4
sensitivity 4
time-out 94
Select Boot Mode 175
sensitivity factor. See Correction
serial number, PDM 18
all PDM 93–108
Basal Program 75
BG Goal Range 104
Bolus Calculator 106–108
bolus preset 81
check BG after bolus 100
confidence reminders 101
Correct Above 106
Correction Factor 108
custom reminders 102
date 95
Duration of Insulin Action 108
extended bolus configuration 106
flight mode 93
IC Ratio 107
lock screen image 94
lock screen message 94
low reservoir 99
Maximum Basal Rate 104
Maximum Bolus 105
Minimum BG for Calcs 107, 146
missed bolus notification 100
PIN 95
Pod expiry 98
Pod site map 98
program reminders 102
reset PDM 97
Reverse Correction 108
screen brightness 94
screen time-out 94
summary 176
Target BG 106
temp basal 105
temp basal preset 79
time 96
shorthand for navigation 8
shut off alarm 123
sick days 173
site selection, Pod 44
sound or vibration 112
specifications, technical
PDM 179
Pod 177
sports 174
status bar 9
status check, Pod 134
storing PDM
location 127
specifications 179
storing Pod
location 125
specifications 177
suggested bolus calculator. See Bolus
obtaining xiv
PDM setup 22
Pod setup 40
travel 164
surgery 174
suspend insulin delivery 72, 142
swimming 126
switching Basal Program 72
symbols on labels 180
DKA 172
hyperglycaemia 169
hypoglycaemia 166
syringe, fill 41
System error alarm 115
tags, BG 53
Target BG 106, 146–160
temp basal
activate 69
cancel 71
create 69
setting 105
set to zero 70, 142
understanding 138–142
Effective Date: 18OCT2020, PCO-000235