Carbohydrate (carbs): One of the three main energy sources in food. (The other
two are protein and fat.) Foods that contain carbohydrates include starches,
sugars, vegetables, fruits and dairy products.
Correction bolus: An amount of insulin taken to compensate for high blood
glucose levels.
Correct Above threshold: The blood glucose level above which you would like to
take insulin to reduce an elevated blood glucose.
Correction Factor (also known as sensitivity factor): A value that indicates
how much one unit of insulin will lower your blood glucose. For example, if
your Correction Factor is 2.8, one unit of insulin lowers your blood glucose by
2.8 mmol/L.
Deactivate: Preferred method for unpairing the PDM from the active Pod.
Deactivation turns off insulin delivery in the Pod and then unpairs the PDM from
that Pod.
Diabetes, diabetes mellitus: A condition characterised by hyperglycaemia (high
blood glucose) resulting from the body' s inability to use blood glucose for energy.
In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas no longer makes insulin and therefore blood
glucose cannot enter many cell types to be used for energy. In type 2 diabetes,
either the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body is unable to use
insulin correctly.
Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA): A serious condition in which extremely high
blood glucose levels and a severe lack of insulin cause the body to break down fat
and protein for energy. The breakdown of fat or protein releases ketones into the
blood and urine. DKA can take hours or days to develop, with symptoms that
include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, fruity breath odour and rapid breathing.
Discard Pod: The DISCARD POD option is offered if the PDM is unable to re-
establish communication with the Pod after a communication error. This option
allows the PDM to abandon that Pod and activate a new Pod. Note: A 'discarded'
Pod may still be delivering insulin. Always remove a 'discarded' Pod from your
Duration of Insulin Action: The length of time that insulin remains active and
available in your body after a bolus. This duration can vary greatly depending on
the type of insulin you take.
Estimated bolus: After you confirm the amount of bolus that you want
delivered, a bolus instruction is sent to the Pod. If the Pod is unable to send back
confirmation of the amount of bolus actually delivered, the PDM estimates the
amount delivered. This estimate is based on the expected delivery schedule. As
soon as confirmation is received from the Pod, the PDM displays the actual (not
estimated) bolus amount.
Extended bolus: The delivery of a meal bolus dose steadily over an extended
period of time.
Effective Date: 18OCT2020, PCO-000235