Omnipod DASH™ Insulin Management System 1
Entering Numbers and Text
Tapping fields to enter data
Fields allow you to specify values to be used by the PDM. Tapping an editable field
(which is either framed by a box or underlined) opens a keypad, number pad or
scroll wheel. Tap the letters or numbers or scroll the wheel to enter data for use in
that field.
Editable fields are underlined or framed by a box.
Non-editable fields are not underlined or framed by a box.
blue and underlined text
explanation or enter data.
Using a keypad
Tapping in an editable field brings up a keypad. To bring up a different keypad, tap
the ?123, ABC, or =\< in the lower left of a keypad.
brings up a screen where you can view an
Tap a character to add it to the text field.
Touch a letter in the top row for a second to
display other options such as a number or an
accented letter such as é.
Tap the up arrow (
) to toggle between
uppercase and lowercase letters. Tap the up
arrow twice in rapid succession to type in ALL
CAPITALS mode. Tap the up arrow one more
time to exit ALL CAPITALS mode.
Tap the spacebar icon (
between characters.
Tap the backspace icon (
most recent entry from the entry field.
Tap the green tick symbol (
keypad when you have finished entering your
Note: The PDM considers CAPITAL and
lowercase letters to be the same. In other
words, the PDM considers 'myWeekend' and
'myweekend' to be the same name.
) to add a space
) to delete the
) to close the
Effective Date: 18OCT2020, PCO-000235