1 Omnipod DASH™ Insulin Management System
The Pod and PDM
The Omnipod DASH™ System is made up of two primary parts: The Pod, which
delivers insulin to your body, and the Personal Diabetes Manager (PDM), which
lets you control the Pod.
The Pod
The Pod (10-Pack, POD-BLE-C1-529) is a lightweight device that you fill
with insulin and wear directly on your body. The Pod receives insulin delivery
instructions from the PDM. The Pod then delivers insulin into your body through
a small, flexible tube called a cannula.
The Pod is applied to your skin with an adhesive, similar to an adhesive bandage.
The Pod that is used with the Omnipod DASH™ System has a blue needle cap.
Viewing window
Adhesive backing
Fill port
Air vent
Paper cover for
adhesive backing
Blue needle cap
Effective Date: 18OCT2020, PCO-000235