4. To edit a segment, tap the row containing the segment you want to edit.
a. Tap the End Time field to enter a new end time.
b. Tap the Target BG field to enter a new Target BG value.
c. Tap the Correct Above field to enter a new Correct Above value.
d. Tap NEXT.
5. Repeat the previous step as needed for the remaining segments.
6. After confirming that all segments are correct, tap SAVE.
Note: You can add and delete segments by editing the existing segments.
Minimum BG for Calcs
Minimum BG for Calcs is a threshold that you set. If your blood glucose reading is
below your Minimum BG for Calcs, the Bolus Calculator is disabled and does not
calculate a bolus. To edit this value:
1. Navigate to: Settings icon (
2. Tap the Min BG for Calc field and enter the desired value. Alternatively,
touch the blue circle and slide your finger up or down the slider to select the
Minimum BG for Calcs value.
3. Tap SAVE.
Insulin to Carb Ratio (IC Ratio)
The insulin to carbohydrate ratio (IC Ratio) defines how many grams of
carbohydrates are covered by one unit of insulin. The Bolus Calculator uses your
IC Ratio to calculate a meal bolus when you are going to eat. To edit this value:
1. Write a list of all of the desired IC Ratio segments to guide you through re-
entering the values for each segment.
Tip: You can write this list on the pages at the end of this User Guide.
2. Navigate to: Settings icon (
3. Tap NEXT.
4. To edit a segment, tap the row containing the segment you want to edit.
a. Tap the End Time field to enter a new end time.
b. Tap the 1 Unit of Insulin Covers field and enter a new IC Ratio.
c. Tap NEXT.
5. Repeat the previous step as needed for the remaining segments.
6. After confirming that all segments are correct, tap SAVE.
Note: You can add and delete segments by editing the existing segments.
Adjusting Settings 9
) > Bolus > Minimum BG for Calc.
) > Bolus > Insulin to Carb Ratio.
Effective Date: 18OCT2020, PCO-000235