Blood glucose details
The icon displayed with a blood glucose entry indicates whether the blood glucose
reading was in range.
Relation to BG Goal Range
Above BG Goal Range
Within BG Goal Range
Below BG Goal Range
Tapping a row with a blood glucose reading expands the row to show any applied
Bolus details
The icon displayed with a bolus entry indicates whether the Bolus Calculator was
The insulin bottle icon (
The syringe icon (
Immediate and extended boluses
The bolus amount listed next to the bolus icon is the sum of an immediate bolus
plus any extended portion of the bolus. If you cancelled an immediate or extended
bolus, the amount listed is the amount that was actually delivered.
Browsing Your PDM Records 8
) indicates that the Bolus Calculator was enabled.
) indicates the Bolus Calculator was disabled or off.
BG entry icon
Effective Date: 18OCT2020, PCO-000235