Understanding PDM and Pod Function 12
Insulin on board (IOB) calculations
Duration of insulin action – time since previous bolus x previous bolus
Duration of Insulin Action
IOB from a previous correction bolus is called a 'correction IOB'.
IOB from a previous meal bolus is called a 'meal IOB'.
Correction IOB example
Duration of Insulin Action: 3 hours
Time since previous correction bolus: 1 hour
Previous correction bolus: 3 U
3 hours – 1 hour x 3 U = 2 U correction IOB
3 hours
In other words, one hour after your previous correction bolus, your body
has used up only 1 unit from the correction bolus. The remaining 2 units
of insulin are still in your body working to correct your blood glucose level.
Accounting for correction IOB in bolus calculations prevents the delivery of
too much insulin when correcting a high BG or eating a meal.
Meal IOB example
Duration of Insulin Action: 3 hours
Time since previous meal bolus: 2 hours
Previous meal bolus: 4.5 U
3 hours – 2 hours x 4.5 U = 1.5 U meal IOB
3 hours
In other words, two hours after your previous meal bolus, your body has used
up 3 units from the meal bolus. The remaining 1.5 units of insulin are still in
your body working to cover your meal.
Meal IOB is only used to reduce a correction bolus; it does not reduce a new
meal bolus. The correction bolus is only reduced until it becomes 0 units.
Effective Date: 18OCT2020, PCO-000235