Omnipod DASH™ Insulin Management System 1
When your Pod is going to expire soon,
a yellow Change the Pod soon banner
appears on the Pod Info tab. The yellow
banner appears 12 hours before Pod
expiry or at the time of your Pod expiry
reminder, whichever is earlier.
At six hours before Pod expiry, a red
Change Pod banner appears on the Pod
Info tab.
When less than five units of insulin
remain in the Pod, a red Low Reservoir
banner appears on the Pod Info tab. If
the Pod is going to expire soon and there
are less than five units of insulin in the
Pod, the red Low Reservoir banner is
displayed on the Pod Info tab.
Note: If you change the date or time, the
Pod expiry date and time will be adjusted
to match the new date and time.
Last BG section
The lower right side of the Home screen displays the
value and time of your most recent blood glucose
Effective Date: 18OCT2020, PCO-000235