Understanding PDM and Pod Function 12
A Reverse Correction is only applied to the meal bolus. In this example, the
meal bolus is reduced by 0.5 units.
Bolus Calculator rules
The Bolus Calculator applies the following rules to the suggested bolus doses:
Suggested bolus doses are rounded down to the nearest 0.05 U.
If the total of the suggested bolus calculation (correction bolus plus meal
bolus) is less than zero, the suggested bolus dose is 0.00 U.
The Bolus Calculator does not suggest a bolus dose if your current blood
glucose reading is below your Minimum BG for Calcs.
The Bolus Calculator suggests a correction bolus only when your blood
glucose reading is above your Correct Above threshold.
Meal IOB, which is insulin on board from a previous meal bolus, is subtracted
first from the current correction bolus, if any, until the correction bolus is
zero. However, any remaining meal IOB is never subtracted from the current
meal bolus.
Correction IOB, which is insulin on board from a previous correction bolus,
is then subtracted from the current correction bolus, if any remains, until
the correction bolus is zero. At that point, any remaining correction IOB is
subtracted from the current meal bolus.
The calculated insulin on board is rounded up to the nearest 0.05 U.
A Reverse Correction only occurs if the meal bolus is greater than 0.00 U.
If your blood glucose value is below your Target BG value and Reverse
Correction is on, the Reverse Correction bolus is subtracted from the
suggested meal bolus. If Reverse Correction is off, the Bolus Calculator does
not subtract insulin from the suggested meal bolus dose.
If you manually adjust the suggested bolus, the following rules apply:
If you increase a suggested bolus, the increase is applied to the meal bolus
unless there is no meal bolus, in which case it is applied to the correction
If you decrease a suggested bolus, the decrease is applied to the meal bolus
until it reaches zero; then it is applied to the correction bolus. If there is no
meal bolus, the decrease is applied to the correction bolus.
Effective Date: 18OCT2020, PCO-000235