J RPM Governor — Initial Spool Up Rate
When activating the RPM Governor this will not apply full throttle immediately but will increase
the rotor head speed slowly until the desired preset head speed is reached. At Menu Point
J you can determine how quickly this soft start occurs when the RPM Governor is activated
initially. The speed is given in number of revolutions by how much the rotor speed is increased
per second. The higher the speed the faster your preset head speed will be reached. Please
note that the given rates only are indicative. Depending on the response of the speed controller
and the inertia of the rotor system it can actually take longer or shorter until the desired speed
is reached. Associated with this the speed also determines how gently the rotor will start to
turn. If the speed is too high, the rotor blades may fold in during startup because the system
enters throttle too abruptly. With nitro helicopters this also may cause the engine to quit
because the throttle is opened too fast and too far.
Purple Solid
Red Flashing
Red Solid
Blue Flashing
Blue Solid
Select "user defined" to choose a custom value that can be edited by using the StudioX
software and the optional USB2SYS (SPMA3030 or BTXA76007) interface.
Press the button to save the configuration and to proceed to Menu Point K.
Spool Up Rate
User Defined
50 RPM/s
100 RPM/s
200 RPM/s*
300 RPM/s
400 RPM/s
Factory setting