H Swashplate Mixer
1. Select the electronic swashplate mixer required for your helicopter or choose "mechanical" if
the helicopter uses a mechanical mixer. The Spektrum AR7210BX supports 90°, 120° and
135–140° swashplates. You can also use any swashplate geometry by selecting User Defined
(PC software required). Refer to your helicopter manual for more information on CCPM.
CAUTION: NEVER use your transmitter' s electronic swashplate mixing. All CCPM
mixing is done by the Spektrum AR7210BX.
Purple Solid
Red Flashing
Red Solid
Blue Flashing
Blue Solid
2. Press the setup button to save the selection and move to Menu Point I.
I Setting the Swashplate Servo Directions
Menu Point I ensures the swashplate servos are moving correctly. Note that the proper
aileron, elevator and collective pitch direction (right/left, up/down) will be corrected later using
the servo reversing setting in the transmitter. At first try each of the four possible combinations
until the swashplate moves as described.
IMPORTANT: The direction of swashplate movement (e.g. Swashplate moving up when it
should move down) is not important at this time. You will adjust the swashplate direction
when the servos are moving together.
1. Move the collective pitch stick and observe the swashplate movement. The swashplate
servos should all move together to raise or lower the swashplate.
2. If the swashplate is not horizontal when it moves, try a different servo combination by
moving the rudder stick.
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 until the servos are all moving the swashplate up and down together.
4. Verify the swashplate is moving correctly in all directions. (Refer to your helicopter manual).
5. If the swashplate is moving in the wrong direction (e.g. The swashplate is moving up
when it should move down), use the servo reverse feature in your transmitter to reverse
the channel that controls the appropriate function. Do not change the servo directions of
AR7210BX anymore.
User Defined
135°/140° (1=1)
Factory Setting
User Defined
"135–140°" (1=1)