D Tail Servo Frequency
CAUTION: If you do not know the maximum frequency for your selected tail servo,
do not exceed 50Hz. Exceeding the maximum frequency for the tail servo can lead to
servo failure.
For best performance, always use a high-quality tail servo capable of at least 270Hz. Depending on
the selection chosen in Menu Point C, you may not be able to select a frequency above 333Hz.
Purple Solid
Red Flashing
Red Solid
Blue Flashing
Blue Solid
Attach a servo horn to the tail servo, making sure the tail linkage rod forms a 90° angle with the
servo horn. Adjust the tail linkage rod according to your helicopter instruction manual. For most
helicopters, the tail pitch slider should be centered on the tail shaft. The tail rotor blades will have
a small amount of positive pitch to counter the torque from the main rotor.
IMPORTANT: Menu Point D does not have a time limit.
Press the setup button to save the selection and move to Menu Point E.
E Setting the Tail Servo Endpoints
Adjust the limit of the tail rotor blades to achieve the best throw. The best throw is determined by
either the maximum possible control travel of the tail slider or the maximum allowed tail rotor
blade angle of attack. Make sure the tail rotor blades move in the correct direction (see your
helicopter manual for more information). If the tail rotor blades move in the wrong direction, use
your transmitter to reverse the rudder direction.
To adjust the limits:
1. Move the rudder stick in one direction until the servo reaches the maximum endpoint
without binding. If you move the servo too far, move the rudder stick in the opposite
direction and move the tail pitch slider away from the limit.
2. Release the rudder stick.
3. Once the maximum endpoint is adjusted, do not move the rudder stick.
4. Wait for the Status LED to flash then turn either
the direction. The servo limit for one direction is saved.
5. Adjust the servo limit in the opposite direction. Move the tail pitch slider to the other
maximum endpoint and release the rudder stick.
6. The Status LED flashes, followed by
adjustment is complete.
IMPORTANT: If the Status LED does not light or lights in an unexpected color, the servo
throw is too small. Move the tail linkage ball farther in toward the center of the servo horn.
7. Press the setup button to save the selection and move to Menu Point F.
User Defined (requires PC software)
50 Hz*
Factory Setting
Solid Red
Purple, indicating that the servo endpoint
Blue, depending on