Dust seals:
Dust seals:
Dust seals:
Every 40 / 70 working hours, check the condition of the dust
Every 40 / 70 working hours, check the condition of the dust
Every 40 / 70 working hours, check the condition of the dust
seals Part. 1 (movable) and Part. 2 (3 fixed seals) Fig. 15
seals Part. 1 (movable) and Part. 2 (3 fixed seals) Fig. 15
seals Part. 1 (movable) and Part. 2 (3 fixed seals) Fig. 15
surrounding the central brush Part. 2 Fig. 4. Whenever
surrounding the central brush Part. 2 Fig. 4. Whenever
surrounding the central brush Part. 2 Fig. 4. Whenever
necessary, replace these.
necessary, replace these.
necessary, replace these.
IMPORTANT: By replacing the seals make sure the side
IMPORTANT: By replacing the seals make sure the side
IMPORTANT: By replacing the seals make sure the side
seals (the shortest one on the right and on the left. in total 2) are raised off the ground of about 2 mm.
seals (the shortest one on the right and on the left. in total 2) are raised off the ground of about 2 mm.
seals (the shortest one on the right and on the left. in total 2) are raised off the ground of about 2 mm.
Central brush:
Central brush:
Central brush:
Part. 2 Fig. 4. Every 50 / 80 working hours, or whenever necessary, check the condition of the central brush, especially if
Part. 2 Fig. 4. Every 50 / 80 working hours, or whenever necessary, check the condition of the central brush, especially if
Part. 2 Fig. 4. Every 50 / 80 working hours, or whenever necessary, check the condition of the central brush, especially if
you have picked up pieces of string, wire, etc.
you have picked up pieces of string, wire, etc.
you have picked up pieces of string, wire, etc.
To remove such items from the brush:
To remove such items from the brush:
To remove such items from the brush:
1. Remove the bin Part. 2 Fig. 7.
1. Remove the bin Part. 2 Fig. 7.
1. Remove the bin Part. 2 Fig. 7.
2. Kneel down and inspect the central brush under the machine. Wearing gloves and a face mask to protect the
2. Kneel down and inspect the central brush under the machine. Wearing gloves and a face mask to protect the
2. Kneel down and inspect the central brush under the machine. Wearing gloves and a face mask to protect the
airways, remove any pieces of string or wire wrapped around the central brush. The 4 hooks (eyebolts) provided can
airways, remove any pieces of string or wire wrapped around the central brush. The 4 hooks (eyebolts) provided can
airways, remove any pieces of string or wire wrapped around the central brush. The 4 hooks (eyebolts) provided can
also be used to raise the machine (see Fig. 1) and perform this operation. Take care not to stand underneath the
also be used to raise the machine (see Fig. 1) and perform this operation. Take care not to stand underneath the
also be used to raise the machine (see Fig. 1) and perform this operation. Take care not to stand underneath the
TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl
TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl
TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl
Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy
Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy
Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy
Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069
Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069
Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069
www.tsmitaly.com – sales@tsmitaly.com
www.tsmitaly.com – sales@tsmitaly.com
www.tsmitaly.com – sales@tsmitaly.com