Filtering system:
Filtering system:
Filtering system:
During operation, the filter system ensures that the machine does not raise dust in the surrounding areas. It consists of
During operation, the filter system ensures that the machine does not raise dust in the surrounding areas. It consists of
During operation, the filter system ensures that the machine does not raise dust in the surrounding areas. It consists of
six cartridge filters Part. 1 Fig. 5. The filter system can be disengaged by pulling knob Part. 1, seen in Fig. 6.
six cartridge filters Part. 1 Fig. 5. The filter system can be disengaged by pulling knob Part. 1, seen in Fig. 6.
six cartridge filters Part. 1 Fig. 5. The filter system can be disengaged by pulling knob Part. 1, seen in Fig. 6.
IMPORTANT: Disengage the filter system when passing with the machine over wet or very damp areas to
IMPORTANT: Disengage the filter system when passing with the machine over wet or very damp areas to
IMPORTANT: Disengage the filter system when passing with the machine over wet or very damp areas to
prevent dampening and therefore deteriorating the paper filters.
prevent dampening and therefore deteriorating the paper filters.
prevent dampening and therefore deteriorating the paper filters.
Dust seals:
Dust seals:
Dust seals:
See Part. 4 Fig. 6. These seals surround the central
See Part. 4 Fig. 6. These seals surround the central
See Part. 4 Fig. 6. These seals surround the central
brush and are very important for ensuring good machine
brush and are very important for ensuring good machine
brush and are very important for ensuring good machine
operation, making possible as they do the suction effect.
operation, making possible as they do the suction effect.
operation, making possible as they do the suction effect.
Frequently check to make sure they are in good
Frequently check to make sure they are in good
Frequently check to make sure they are in good
Collection bin:
Collection bin:
Collection bin:
The container or collection bin Part. 1 Fig. 7, made of
The container or collection bin Part. 1 Fig. 7, made of
The container or collection bin Part. 1 Fig. 7, made of
resistant plastic, holds all the material picked up by the
resistant plastic, holds all the material picked up by the
resistant plastic, holds all the material picked up by the
central brush and the filter dust. It can be easily removed
central brush and the filter dust. It can be easily removed
central brush and the filter dust. It can be easily removed
thanks to a wheeled frame Part. 2 Fig. 7.
thanks to a wheeled frame Part. 2 Fig. 7.
thanks to a wheeled frame Part. 2 Fig. 7.
IMPORTANT: container emptying must always be
IMPORTANT: container emptying must always be
IMPORTANT: container emptying must always be
done with the motor shut off. Wear gloves and
done with the motor shut off. Wear gloves and
done with the motor shut off. Wear gloves and
possibly a face mask to protect the airways from dust
possibly a face mask to protect the airways from dust
possibly a face mask to protect the airways from dust
(always present in this operation).
(always present in this operation).
(always present in this operation).
TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl
TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl
TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl
Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy
Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy
Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy
Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069
Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069
Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069
www.tsmitaly.com – sales@tsmitaly.com
www.tsmitaly.com – sales@tsmitaly.com
www.tsmitaly.com – sales@tsmitaly.com