Norme armonizzate applicate: EN 292-1 EN292-2, EN 60335-2-72, EN 55014-1, EN 294/93, EN 349/93 Fiume Veneto, 08/01/2008 TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
TUTTE LE MOTOSCOPE TSM SONO CONFORMI ALLE NORMATIVE CE. AVVERTENZE TSM S.r.l. è lieta di poterVi annoverare fra i possessori di una motoscopa della serie 130. AttenendoVi alle istruzioni di seguito riportate, siamo sicuri apprezzerete pienamente le possibilità di lavoro della 130.
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LA MACCHINA PUÒ ESSERE SOLLEVATA SOLO QUANDO TUTTE E TRE LE FASCE SONO AGGANCIATE AI RISPETTIVI GANCI DI SOLLEVAMENTO. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
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A fine operazione di sballaggio, smontare e conservare i ganci (golfari), e montare le spazzole laterali destra e sinistra, come illustrato nel paragrafo “sostituzione spazzola laterale” del capitolo 11. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
11. Non fare mai avvicinare persone nel raggio d'azione della macchina. 12. Non eseguire modifiche di nessun genere se non autorizzate dal costruttore. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
Larghezza massima 1.020 Altezza 1.300 Peso senza batterie Livello di potenza sonora Lw Db (A) TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
6. Carter spazzola laterale 7. Carter motore trazione 8. Fiancata protezione spazzola centrale 9. Fiancata DX e SX TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
8 filtri a cartuccia (Optional) Part. 3 Fig. 5/A. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
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(sempre presente in questa operazione). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
Per disinserire il freno di stazionamento, basta premere di nuovo il pedale Part. 1 Fig. 8. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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Part. 1 Fig. 9; per disinserirla riportare la leva nella posizione iniziale. NON TOCCARE MAI CON LE MANI, DURANTE LA ROTAZIONE, LA SPAZZOLA LATERALE E NON RACCOGLIERE MATERIALI FILACCIOSI. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
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Questo motore aziona anche la rotazione delle spazzole laterali non appena vengono abbassate in posizione di lavoro. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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(o retrocedere). Con l'accensione del led rosso, bisogna procedere alla ricarica delle batterie. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
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Part. 6 Attiva tutto il quadro comandi ed in particolare il potenziometro per lo spostamento; è possibile così effettuare trasferimenti senza necessariamente lavorare. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
Premere il pulsante rosso posto alla sinistra dell’operatore Part. 1 Fig. 12/A; non essendo più alimentati tutti i motori si fermeranno immediatamente. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
Durante l'operazione di ricarica delle batterie, o comunque quando la spina del carica batterie è inserita, è vietato accendere la macchina ed è vietato spostarla (anche manualmente). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
1. 1 Posizionare il selettore Part. 7 del quadro comandi (Fig. 11) indietro e premere con il piede il pedale Part. 3 Fig. 7. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
Per un buon risultato vuotate spesso il contenitore e tenete puliti i filtri vibrandoli con gli appositi strumenti. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
Assicurarsi che i filtri siano sempre in ottimo stato e all'occorrenza sostituirli. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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Fig. 16. iMPORTANTE: La misura in larghezza della traccia non deve essere inferiore a 4 cm. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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NORMA GENERALE: Per un buon funzionamento e durata della macchina tenete pulito sia la carrozzeria esterna, che l'interno della macchina, sotto i cofani soffiando con aria compressa (operazione da eseguire a motore spento e freddo). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
5. Per ultimare il montaggio ripetere le operazioni in senso inverso. 6. Effettuare la regolazione dell'altezza della spazzola nuova (vedi paragrafo "Regolazione Spazzola Centrale"). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
Il caricabatterie non è quello Usare un caricabatterie adeguato. consigliato o è insufficiente. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
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Non sono compresi danni dovuti a normale usura, uso diverso da quello riportato su questo manuale, danni causati da regolazioni sbagliate, interventi tecnici non eseguiti correttamente, atti di vandalismo. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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Part. 2 Premendo questo pulsante si attiva l'avvisatore acustico (Claxon). 18.3 Interruttore luce lavoro: Part. 3 Serve per accendere le luci lavoro. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
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Pulsante sollevamento cassetto di raccolta: 18.10 Part. 10 Attivato contemporaneamente al pulsante Part. 8, il cassetto di raccolta si solleverà o abbasserà. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
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Fig. B: Premere il pulsante (1) e contemporaneamente il pulsante di conferma (2). Il contenitore si solleverà (3). Proseguire fino ad aver sollevato all’altezza desiderata. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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DURASWEEP 130 B OPERATING MANUAL Fig. C: Premendo il pulsante (1), si aprirà lo sportello (2) del contenitore. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
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Fig. E: Premendo il pulsante (1) e contemporaneamente il pulsante di conferma (2), il contenitore si abbasserà. Proseguire fino ad abbassamento completo. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
Unified / national norms of reference: EN 292-1 EN292-2, EN 60335-2-72, EN 55014-1, EN 294/93, EN 349/93 Fiume Veneto, 08/01/2008 TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
THE MACHINE CAN ONLY BE LIFTED WHEN ALL THREE STRAPS ARE HOOKED ONTO THE RESPECTIVE LIFTING HOOKS. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
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At the end of the unpacking operation, take off and store the hooks (eye bolts), and install the right and left side brooms, as shown in paragraph "side broom replacement" in chapter 11. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
11. Never allow people near the range of action of the machine. 12. Do not make any changes of any kind unless authorised by the manufacturer. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
1,560 Maximum width 1,020 Height 1,300 Weight without batteries Sound power level Lw Db (A) TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
6. Side broom casing 7. Traction motor casing 8. Central broom guard side 9. RT and LT side TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
Detail 2 Fig. 5/A (standard version) or by cartridge filters (Optional) Detail 3 Fig. 5/A. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
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IMPORTANT: The container emptying operation must always be carried out with the motor off, using gloves and possibly a mask to protect the respiratory tract from dust (which there always is during this operation). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
To release the parking brake, simply press the pedal again Detail 1 Fig. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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AS IT IS ROTATING, NEVER TOUCH THE SIDE BROOM WITH YOUR HANDS AND DO NOT COLLECT STRINGY MATERIALS. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
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This motor also drives side broom rotation as soon as the brooms are lowered into the operating position. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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Detail 6, the LEDs turn on in the following order: red - yellow - green; wait for the green light to come on before going into forward drive (or reverse). When the red LED comes on, it is necessary to charge the batteries. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
For safety reasons, the speed of the machine in reverse drive is much slower. By leaving the selector in the central position, the machine will not go into forward or reverse drive. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
Press the red button located to the left of the operator Detail 1 Fig. 12/A; as they are no longer powered, all of the motors will immediately stop. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
While charging the battery, or, nevertheless, when the battery charger plug is plugged in, it is forbidden to turn the machine on and it is forbidden to move it (including manually). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
1. Position the selector Detail 7 in the control panel (Fig. 11) in the reverse direction and press the drive pedal with your foot Detail 3 Fig. 7. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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For good results, empty out the hopper often and keep the filters clean by shaking them with relative tools. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
Make sure that the filters are always in excellent conditions and change them whenever necessary. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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2. Turn the motor off, raise the central broom and manually move the machine forwards, until you can see a track left by the rotation of the central broom on the floor, as illustrated in Fig. 16. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
GENERAL RULE: For the correct and long-lasting operation of the machine, keep the exterior body clean, as well as the interior, under the hood by blowing compressed air (this operation must be carried out with the motor off and cold). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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5. To complete assembly, repeat the operations in reverse order. 6. Adjust the height of the new broom (see paragraph "Central Broom Adjustment"). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
MENTIONED HEREIN; ACCORDINGLY, THEY MUST BE CARRIED OUT BY SPECIALISED ASSISTANCE STAFF, APPOINTED FOR THIS PURPOSE (SEE BOOKLET COVER). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
The battery charger you are using is not Use a suitable battery charger. the recommended one or it is not sufficient. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
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Damage due to normal wear and tear is not included, use that differs from any intended use reported herein, damage caused by incorrect adjustments, technical actions that have been carried out incorrectly, acts of vandalism. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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18.3 Work light switch: Detail 3 This is used to turn the work lights on. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
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Detail 10 Enabled at the same time as button Detail 8, the debris hopper will lift or lower. “ “ ” ” Fig. A: Starting position. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
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Fig. B: Press button (1) and (2) at the same time. The container will lift (3). Continue until it is at the required height. Fig. C: By pressing button (1), the door (2) of the container will open. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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Fig. E: By pressing button (1) and confirmation button (2) at the same time, the container will lower. Continue until it is fully lowered. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
Normes harmonisées appliquées: EN 292-1 EN292-2, EN 60335-2-72, EN 55014-1, EN 294/93, EN 349/93 Fiume Veneto, 08/01/2008 TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
TOUTES LES BALAYEUSES TSM SONT CONFORMES AUX NORMES CE. OBJECTIFS / INTENTIONS La Société TSM S.r.l. a le plaisir de vous compter parmi les possesseurs d'une balayeuse série DURASWEEP 130. En respectant les instructions reportées ci-dessous, nous sommes certains que vous apprécierez totalement les possibilités de travail de DURASWEEP 130.
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LA MACHINE PEUT ÊTRE SOULEVÉE UNIQUEMENT LORSQUE LES TROIS BANDES SONT ACCROCHÉES AUX CROCHETS RESPECTIFS DE LEVAGE. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
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Lorsque l'opération de déballage est terminée, démonter et conserver les crochets (chevilles à œillet) et monter les brosses latérales droite et gauche, comme illustré au paragraphe “remplacement de la brosse latérale” du chapitre TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
11. Ne jamais faire approcher des personnes dans le rayon d'action de la machine. 12. N'effectuer des modifications d'aucun genre si vous n'êtes pas autorisé par le fabricant. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
Largeur maximum 1.020 Hauteur 1.300 Poids sans batterie Niveau de puissance sonore Lw Db (A) TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
6. Carter brosse latérale 7. Carter moteur traction 8. Côté protection brosse centrale 9. Côté DROIT et GAUCHE TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
à poches Part. 2 Fig. 5/A (version standard) ou au moyen de 8 filtres à cartouche (En Option) Part. 3 Fig. 5/A. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
Pédale d'actionnement du frein: En appuyant sur cette pédale Part. 1 Fig. 7 la machine ralentit et s'arrête (jusqu'à son relâchement). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
GAUCHE sur le frein à fond et reculer légèrement le pied vers soi pour le bloquer. Pour désactiver le frein de stationnement, il suffit d'appuyer de nouveau sur la pédale Part. 1 Fig. 8. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
JE JAMAIS TOUCHER AVEC LES MAINS, PENDANT LA ROTATION LA BROSSE LATÉRALE ET NE PAS RAMASSER DE MATÉRIAUX EFFILOCHÉS. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
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à cet effet il est désactivé. Ce moteur actionne également la rotation des brosses latérales dès qu'elles sont abaissées en position de travail. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
(ou reculer). Avec l'allumage du led rouge, il faut procéder au rechargement des batteries. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
En laissant le sélecteur en position centrale, la machine n'avance et ne recule pas. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
Appuyer sur le bouton rouge situé à gauche de l'opérateur Part. 1 Fig. 12/A ; n'étant plus alimentés, tous les moteurs s'arrêteront immédiatement. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
Pendant l'opération de recharge des batteries, ou de toute façon lorsque la fiche du chargeur de batterie est insérée, il est interdit d'allumer la machine et de la déplacer (même manuellement). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
1. Positionner le sélecteur Part. 7 du tableau de commandes (Fig. 11) en arrière et appuyer avec le pied sur la pédale Part. 3 Fig. 7. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
Pour un bon résultat, videz souvent le bac et tenez propres les filtres en les vibrant avec les outils prévus à cet effet. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
Vérifiez que les filtres soient toujours en parfait état et les remplacer si nécessaire. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
Part. 1 Fig. 15 arrive en fin de course ; à ce moment-là la brosse doit être remplacée. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
également l'intérieur de la machine, sous les capots en soufflant avec de l'air comprimé (opération à effectuer avec le moteur éteint et froid). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
5. Pour terminer le montage, répéter les opérations dans le sens inverse. 6. Effectuer le réglage de la hauteur de la brosse neuve (voir le paragraphe "Réglage Brosse Centrale"). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
CE MANUEL ; PAR CONSÉQUENT ILS DEVRONT ÊTRE EFFECTUÉS PAR UN PERSONNEL SPÉCIALISÉ POUR L'ASSISTANCE, PRÉPOSÉ À CET OBJECTIF (VOIR LA COUVERTURE DU MANUEL) TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
Appuyer sur le bouton rouge situé à gauche de l'opérateur part. 1 fig. 12/a ; n'étant plus alimentés, tous les moteurs s'arrêteront immédiatement. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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Le chargeur de batterie n'est pas celui Utiliser un chargeur de batterie adapté. conseillé ou il est insuffisant. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
Part. 2 En appuyant sur ce bouton l'avertisseur sonore est activé (Klaxon). 18.3 Interrupteur lumière travail: Part. 3 Permet d'allumer les lumières travail. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069 –
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18.10 Bouton de levage du tiroir de ramassage: Part. 10 Activé simultanément avec le bouton Part. 8, le tiroir de ramassage se soulèvera ou s'abaissera. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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Fig. B : Appuyer sur le bouton (1) et simultanément sur le bouton de confirmation (2). Le bac se soulèvera (3). Poursuivre jusqu'au soulèvement à la hauteur souhaitée. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.
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DURASWEEP 130 B OPERATING MANUAL Fig. C : En appuyant sur le bouton (1), la porte du bac s'ouvrira (2). TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel. +39.0434.564167 - Fax +39.0434.954069...
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Fig. E : En appuyant sur le bouton (1) et simultanément sur le bouton de confirmation (2), le bac s'abaissera. Poursuivre jusqu'à l'abaissement complet. TSM - Technological Systems by Moro Srl Via F.lli Zambon,9 - 33080 Fiume Veneto (PN) – Italy Tel.