vent/valves — do not charge the battery. Batteries are not
eligible for warranty with these conditions.
STEP 2 Check the Open Circuit Voltage (OCV) of the battery
to determine its state of charge.
STEP 3 OPTIMA battery technology will allow discharging
a 12V battery below the normal 10.5 volts without sig-
nificant decreases in performance. However, the design of
many standard constant-voltage chargers may not permit
it to recognize a battery with a voltage below 10.5 volts.
If the OCV is less than 10.5 volts, take the following steps
to get the OPTIMA battery to accept a charge:
A Begin the process by connecting a good battery to the
B Connect the discharged OPTIMA battery (below 10.5 volts
OCV) in a parallel connection with the good battery as
shown. Turn the charger on.
C If the discharged OPTIMA battery voltage increases to 10.5
volts or higher, remove it from the parallel connection and
go to step 4 (charging/testing).
D If the OPTIMA battery voltage does not increase within
one hour, fail the battery.
The RBR (Return Battery Report) can include the descrip-
tion "Failed Step 3D" as reason for warranty return.
STEP 4 If the OCV is between 10.5 and 12.55, connect the
battery to a constant-voltage charger, such as a (1) parallel
charger or (2) single battery 5/15/50-type roll-around shop
charger for no more than 5 minutes to see if it accepts a
A If it accepts equal to or greater than 5 amps, follow the
"constant charge" or "constant current" charging recom-
mendations below or those on the Interstate "Approximate
Charge Times · Key Shop Procedures" chart.
B If it does not accept 5 amps, do not charge the battery. Fail
the battery based on this test.
The RBR can include the description "Failed Step 4B" as
reason for warranty return.
After the battery is fully charged, go to Step 5 to load test
the battery.
1. 12V batteries received at severely low voltages of less than
8 volts may require 50% longer charging times (50% more
Amp-Hour input).
2. During the charge process, batteries that are hot to the touch
(>120°F) should be removed from charge. If this occurs
on a series charger, the 12V battery may have a terminal
voltage greater than 16 volts.
If it occurs on a constant voltage charger, fail the battery.
STEP 5 If the OCV is 12.55 volts or higher, load test the
battery following Battery Council International (BCI)
load procedure. (A load test @ 1/2 the CCA for 15 sec is
required to pass or fail the battery for warranty considera-
Assurer une bonne aération durant la recharge d'une
batterie. Ne pas exposer la batterie aux étincelles, à la
flamme, à la chaleur ou aux cigarettes allumées.
Nettoyage des bornes et des connexions de câble
Nettoyer les bornes de batterie et les connexions de câble à
toutes les 100 heures d'utilisation. Lorsqu'on enlève les câ-
bles des bornes, déconnecter les câbles NÉGATIFS (-) noirs
en premier. S'assurer de bien brancher les câbles NÉGATIFS
(-) au pôle NÉGATIF (-) et les câbles POSITIFS (+) rouges au
pôle POSITIF (+). Si les câbles sont inversés, des dommages
au système électrique seront causés.
Nettoyage de la batterie
Nettoyer le dessus de la batterie à toutes les 250 heures
d'utilisation avec une solution d'eau et de bicarbonate de
soude. Avant de nettoyer la batterie, la retirer du véhicule et
s'assurer que les bouchons sont suffisamment serrés (batteries
non scellées seulement). Tremper un chiffon dans le mélange
eau/bicarbonate de soude et frotter le dessus de la batterie.
Quand la mousse cesse de se former, rincer à l'eau fraîche et
essuyer avec un chiffon propre.