Dynamic (arc
In order to obtain optimum welding results, it will sometimes be necessary to set or
force) function
adjust the "Dynamic (arc-force)" function. For details on setting the "dYn" parameter,
please see "The Set-up menu: Level 1" - sub-section "Rod-electrode set-up
Functional principle
At the instant of droplet transfer, i.e. when a short circuit occurs, there is a momentary
rise in the amperage. In order to obtain a stable arc, the welding current is temporarily
increased. If the rod electrode threatens to sink into the weld pool, this measure
prevents the weld-pool solidifying, as well as preventing more prolonged short-circuiting
of the arc. This largely prevents the rod-electrode from "sticking".
Setting-range of the dYn parameter
0 ........ soft, low-spatter arc
100 .... harder, more stable arc
Important! For details on setting the "Eln" set-up parameter, please see "The set-up
menu: Level 2" - sub-section "Rod-electrode set-up parameters".
Fig.25 Characteristics that can be selected using the Eln function
"con" (constant welding current) parameter
Parameter "0.1 - 20" (falling characteristic with adjustable slope)
Important! When setting a flat characteristic , set the arc-force dynamic to a higher
U (V)
If the "con" parameter is set, the welding current will be kept constant, irrespective
of the welding voltage. This results in a vertical characteristic .
The "con" parameter is especially suitable for rutile electrodes and basic electrodes,
as well as for gouging.
For gouging, set the arc-force dynamic to "100".
Parameter "0.1 - 20" is used to set a falling characteristic . The setting range
extends from 0.1 A / V (very steep) to 20 A / V (very flat).
Setting a flat characteristic
... Load line for rod electrode
... Load line for rod electrode where arc
length is increased
con - 20 A / V
... Load line for rod electrode where arc
length is reduced
... Characteristic where "con" parameter
is selected (constant welding current)
... Characteristic where "0.1 - 20"
parameter is selected (falling
characteristic with adjustable slope)
... Characteristic where "P" parameter is
selected (constant welding power)
... Example of pre-set arc force dynamic
I (A)
where characteristic
... Ex. of preset arc force dynamic where
is only advisable for cellulose electrodes.
is selected
is selected