Rectangular mowing area
Docking station:
Location (1) immediately next to the
garage B and behind the house A.
Wire clearances: (
Clearance to the edge: 22 cm
Clearance to the obstacle that can be
travelled on: 0 cm
Clearance around the tree: 24 cm
Clearance to the pond: 100 cm
Search loops:
Installation of two search loops (2).
Minimum distance from the corridor
entrance: 2 m
Note the minimum clearance to corners.
No further adaptation is necessary
following definition of the size of the
mowing area.
Points to note:
The start (3) of a corridor (4) was installed.
Then a corridor was installed. The width of
the corridor was increased to that of the
ground plate (5) one metre in front of the
docking station.
0478 131 9934 A - EN