Remote sensing compensates for voltage drops in long load cables by monitoring the output voltage
directly at the load, The sensing function can compensate up to 1 Vrms for a single load line. Always
select a load wire that is thick enough to prevent the voltage drop in the wire from exceeding the
compensation voltage.
1. Check that the power switch is turned off.
2. Remove the sense connector cover and the sense pug from the rear panel.
3. Make your connections as shown in the following figure. Connect the Ls (line sense) wire to pin 3.
Connect the Ns (neutral sense) wire to pin 1. Sense wires size should be from AWG28 to AWG20.
Strip the sense wires back approximately 7 mm.
4. Connect the sense leads as close to the load as possible. Do NOT bundle the sense wire-pair together
with the load leads; keep the load wires and sense wires separate. Keep the wire-pair as short as pos-
sible and twist or bundle it to reduce lead inductance and noise pickup.
Keysight AC6800B Series Operating and Service Guide
1 Getting Started