3 SCPI Programming Reference
CALibrate:STATe ON|1|OFF|0 [,<password>]
Enables or disables calibration mode. Calibration mode must be enabled for the instrument to accept
any calibration commands.
ON|1|OFF|0 , default OFF
<password> a numeric value up to 15 digits (none)
Disable calibration: CAL:STAT OFF
Enable calibration: CAL:STAT ON ,"abc123"
The <password> is required if it has been set. The factory default is no password, but if one has been
set, you must send CALibrate:STATe ON,12345 (replacing 12345 with your instrument's password).
You cannot enable front-panel calibration and SCPI calibration simultaneously.
CALibrate:VOLTage[:LEVel] <value>
CALibrate:VOLTage:OFFset <value>
Selects the voltage range to calibrate.
Either 219 or 438 (for DC OFFset) or 155 or 310 (for AC LEVel). (none)
Calibrate the voltage of the 310 V range: CAL:VOLT:LEV 310
must be ON to execute this command.
The CALibrate:VOLTage[:LEVel] command is for AC voltage, and the CALibrate:VOLTage:OFFSet
command is for DC voltage.
Do not use unit suffixes, such as V or mV, with this command.
Typical Return
0 (OFF) or 1 (ON)
Typical Return
Keysight AC6800B Series Operating and Service Guide