Using Web Remote Viewer
Configuring HDD Event Settings
Your DVR's hard drive can detect immanent failure. You can configure how often the hard drive
monitors itself for failure. If the hard drive detects a failure, it sends out a notification e-mail.
To configure your HDDs monitoring settings:
1. Click Sensor on the navigation menu on the left. The HDD Event Setting window opens.
Figure 23.10 HDD Event Setting window.
2. Under the Smart Alarm drop-down menu, select ON or OFF to enable or disable the hard
drive's SMART alarm.
3. Under the Check Interval drop-down menu, select how many hours in between the hard drive
should monitor itself. For example, you may want the hard drive to monitor itself every hour,
or every five hours.
• Interval ranges are: 1~24 hrs.
4. Under the Disk Full Event drop-down menu, select ON or OFF to enable or disable the hard
drive from notifying you via e-mail, if the hard drive is full.
5. Click OK to save your settings.