User Manual
Operating Instructions
Appropriate Use
Use the 203 pumps only for dispensing lubricants in cen-
tralized lubrication syste ms. The pump is designed for in-
termittent operat ion.
Any use of the 203 pumps that is not e xpressly mentioned in
this User Manual will be re garded as misuse.
If the 203 pumps are used or operated in a different manner
other than specified, a ny cl aim for warranty or liability will be
null and void.
If personal injury or material damage
occurs as a result of inappropriate opera-
tion, e.g. if the safety instructions are
ignored or resulting from an incorrect
600 1a02
installation of the 203 pum ps, no claims or
legal actions may be taken against Lincoln
Exclusi on of Liabili ty
The manufact urer of the pumps 203 will not acce pt any liability
for damages
caused by a lack of lubricant due to an irre gular re filling of
the pump
caused by the use of contaminate d lubricants
caused by the use of greases which a re not or only condi-
tionally pumpable in centralized lubrication sy stems (see
User Manual „2.0-40001")
caused by chemical or biological modifications of the
lubricant used
caused by inade quate disposal of use d or contaminated
lubricants as well as of components that have been in
touch with lubricant
caused by unauthorized modification of the system com-
caused by the use of unapprove d parts
caused by incorrect installation, electrical connection or
caused by inappropriate react ion (e. g. also ignoring) to
ma lfunction indications
ignoring this User Manua l
Regulations for Prevention of Accidents
To prevent accidents, observe all city, state and federal
safety regulations of the country in which the product will
be use d.
Av oid the operation with
- unapproved parts.
- insufficient or contaminated lubricants.
LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Safety Instructions
General Safety Instructions
Lincoln Quicklub centralized lubrication systems
- are de signed state-of-the-art.
- can be assembled for safe operation
Incorrect use may result in bearing damage ca use d by
poor or ove r-lubrication.
Unauthorized modifications or changes to an insta lled
system are not admissible. Any modification must be sub-
ject to prior consultation with the manufacture r of the lu-
brication system.
Operation, Maintenance and Repair
1013A9 4
Af terwards swi tschi ng off the filli ng pump lubricant will
further runs after into the rese rvoir.
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1013A9 4
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Lincoln Quicklub centralized lubrication systems
- must be operated onl y with installed pressure relie f
- must be refilled in regular intervals with cle an and rec-
omme nded
see recommendati on of the user or the manufacturer of the
ope rate automat ically. However, a re gular che ck (approx.
every 2 days) should be made to ensure that lubricant is
emerging from a ll lubrication poi nts.
Risk of bursting if the reservoir is over-
fi lled! When filling the reservoir by means
of pumps with a large delivery volume do
not exceed the max. filling mark.
Before m aintenance or repair of pumps
swit ch off their power supply.
It is not allowed to use the pump in poten-
tially explosive fields.
Danger of squeezing in case of pumps
to be filled from the reservoir top:
Never put your hand into the open res-
ervoir while pump is running!
lubricant without air entrapme nts
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