d) Stick-mode programming
With stick-mode programming, the individual receiver channels are assigned to the two control sticks and their direc-
tions of movement. However, not all 24 possible assignments are selectable.
Rather than this, the stick movements correspond to the control directions and are combined in four groups (Modes
If required, it is also possible for you to change the preset control stick allocation (Stick Mode
2) according to your requirements.
When changing to Stick Mode 3 or 1 (swopping the control functions of the right and left control
sticks), a mechanical alteration of the control sticks also has to be made.
Depending on requirements, the receiver channels can be distributed differently to the control sticks:
Mode 1
Select the combination best suited for you and confirm the selection with [OK].
Check the setting using the progress bar display on the starting screen by moving the control sticks on the trans-
End the programming or continue with the programming.
On the starting screen, press the [Stick] button.
The system comes with Mode 2 preset.
Which receiver channel is assigned to the directions of motion for the
control levers (sticks) is shown in the diagram.
Scroll to the Control Stick Allocation desired.
Confirm the selection with [OK].
Mode 3:
Mode 4: