Aileron differentiation with superimposition of fowler flaps
You can, in addition, superimpose a fowler flap function on the aileron differentiation selected.
In this case, you add a deflection in the same direction to the aileron motion in the opposite direction, the effect of
which corresponds to a fowler flap. A deflection of the fowler flap downward causes greater curvature of the surface
profile and thus more air resistance and more lift. The model flies slower, which can be an advantage during take-off
and landing phases. A deflection downward reduces the surface curvature and lift, which constitutes a good setting
for high speeds.
Put the fowler flap function on a rotary controller so as to be able change the setting at any time during
Delta wings
Since delta wing models do not have an elevator, Channel 2 on the right control stick (elevator) is connected to the
second aileron servo.
The elevator function can be produced by mixing of the servo control directions appropriately.
When the right control stick is moved back and forth (Channel 2), the servos should run in parallel, and both aile-
rons should deflect in the same direction. As a result, the model executes a yaw motion about its lateral axis. This
corresponds to the function of an elevator.
When the right control stick is moved sideways (Channel 2), the aileron servos should respond in opposite direc-
tions. The ailerons thus bring about a rolling motion about the longitudinal axis of the model. This corresponds to
the normal function of the right control lever (ailerons).
If you then, for example, move the right control stick to the right, you can
tell by the progress bar display that the left aileron servo only reaches
approx 70% of the full deflection on Channel 1 (the outer curve).
Select [Mix 2]
For the output channel, select rotary controller [VR A] or [VR B].
Couple the rotary controller to Channel 1 of the receiver.
Select a value for the maximum percentage of the fowler flap, e.g.
30% in both directions.
Switch the mixer permanently on ([Switch ON]).
Repeat this setting for the second aileron servo.
Select [Mix 3]
For the output channel, select the same rotary controller [VR A] or
[VR B] as before.
Couple the rotary controller to Channel 5 of the receiver.
Select the same value for the maximum percentage of the fowler flap,
e.g. 30% in both directions.
Switch the mixer permanently on ([Switch ON]).