ABB will not acquire any right, title and interest in the data other than the rights
granted by Customer to ABB, but ABB will have the right to collect, store, aggregate,
analyze or otherwise use the data for (i) providing and maintaining the hardware,
services and/or the ABB software to Customer; (ii) prevent-ing, detecting and
repairing problems related to the security and/or the operation of the hardware,
the platform, software; (iii) improving and developing existing services, technologies,
products and/or software and developing new services, technologies, products
and/or software, and all improvements and developments (including all resulting
intellectual property Rights) are exclusively owned by us. In addition, we have the
right to use the data for benchmarking purposes if and to the extent it is anonymized
or non-confidential.
ABB Connected Services™
For as far as the robot installation includes ABB Connected Services™, this
agreement is entered pursuant to and governed by the ABB Connected Services™
General Terms and Conditions.
ABB Connected Services™ Terms and Conditions:
Special Terms and Conditions for ABB Connected Services™:
Manuel du produit - OmniCore C30 Type A
3HAC089064-004 Révision: B
2 Description du système de commande
© Copyright 2024- ABB. Tous droits réservés.
2.8 ABB Connected Services