Pulse Duty Cycle
The pulse duty cycle is defined as:
where the pulse width represents the time from the 50% threshold of the rising
edge of the pulse to the 50% threshold of the next falling edge.
– Pulse duty cycle: 0% to 100% (see restrictions below). The default is 10%.
– The specified pulse duty cycle must conform to the following restrictions
– The specified pulse duty cycle must conform to the following restriction
– Front-Panel Operation: After selecting the pulse function, press the Dty Cyc
– Remote Interface Operation:
Keysight 33210A User's Guide
Duty Cycle = 100 × Pulse Width ÷ Period
determined by the minimum pulse width (Wmin). The function generator will
adjust the pulse duty cycle as needed to accommodate the specified period.
Duty Cycle > 100 × Wmin ÷ Period
Duty Cycle < 100 × (1 – Wmin ÷ Period)
Wmin = 40 ns for period < 10 s.
Wmin = 200 ns for period > 10 s, but < 100 s.
Wmin = 2 µs for period > 100 s, but < 1000 s.
determined by the edge time. The function generator will adjust the pulse duty
cycle as needed to accommodate the specified period.
Duty Cycle > 100 × (1.6 × Edge Time) ÷ Period
Duty Cycle < 100 × (1 – (1.6 × Edge Time) ÷ Period)
softkey. Then use the knob or numeric keypad to enter the desired duty cycle.
FUNCtion:PULSe:DCYCle {<percent>|MINimum|MAXimum}
Features and Functions