APPLy:NOISe [<frequency|DEFault> [,<amplitude> [,<offset>] ]]
Output Gaussian noise with the specified amplitude and dc offset. The waveform
is output as soon as the command is executed.
– The frequency parameter has no effect for this command but you must specify
APPLy:DC [<frequency|DEFault> [,<amplitude>|DEFault> [,<offset>]
Output a dc voltage with the level specified by the offset parameter. You can set
the dc voltage to any value between ±5 Vdc into 50 ohms or ±10 Vdc into an open
circuit. The dc voltage is output as soon as the command is executed.
– The frequency and amplitude parameters have no effect for this command but
APPLy:USER [<frequency> [,<amplitude> [,<offset>] ]]
Arbitrary waveforms are optionally available with the 33210A (Option 002). To
upgrade your 33210A to include arbitrary waveform functionality, go to
Output the arbitrary waveform currently selected by the FUNC:USER command.
The waveform is output using the specified frequency, amplitude, and dc offset.
The waveform is output as soon as the command is executed. See page 242 for
more information on downloading arbitrary waveforms to memory.
Keysight 33210A User's Guide
a value or "DEFault" (the noise function has a 7 MHz bandwidth). If you specify
a frequency, it has no effect on the noise output, but the value is remembered
when you change to a different function. The following statement shows the
use of the APPLy command for noise.
APPL:NOIS DEF, 5.0, 2.0
you must specify a value or "DEFault". If you specify a frequency and
amplitude, they have no effect on the dc output, but the values are
remembered when you change to a different function. The following statement
shows the use of the APPLy command for a dc output.
Remote Interface Reference