Error Messages
Execution Errors
Trigger ignored
A Group Execute Trigger (GET) or *TRG was received but the trigger was ignored.
Make sure that you have selected the proper trigger source and verify that the
sweep or burst mode is enabled.
Settings conflict;
Option 002 (arbs) is not installed
Arbitrary waveforms are optionally available with the 33210A (Option 002). To
upgrade your 33210A to include arbitrary waveform functionality, go to
Settings conflict;
turned off infinite burst to allow immed iate trigger source
An infinite count burst is allowed only when the external or bus (software) trigger
source is selected. The burst count has been set to the maximum N Cycle value
(50,000 cycles).
Settings conflict;
infinite burst changed trigger source to BUS
An infinite count burst is allowed only when the external or bus (software) trigger
source is selected. Sending the BURS:NCYC INF command has automatically
changed the trigger source from immediate to bus.
Keysight 33210A User's Guide