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Keysight 33210A Guide D'utilisation page 184

Générateur de signaux arbitraires/fonctions 10 mhz


Remote Interface Reference
Output Amplitude
– For the amplitude parameter of the APPLy command, the output amplitude
– Limits Due to Output Termination: The output amplitude limits are determined
– You can set the output amplitude in Vpp, Vrms, or dBm by specifying the units
range depends on the function specified and the output termination. You can
substitute "MINimum", "MAXimum", or "DEFault" in place of a specific value for
the amplitude parameter. MIN selects the smallest amplitude (10 mVpp into
50 ohms). MAX selects the largest amplitude for the function specified (at most
10 Vpp into 50 ohms depending on function and offset voltage). The default
amplitude is 100 mVpp (into 50 ohms) for all functions.
by the current output termination setting (the APPLy command does not
change the termination setting). For example, if you set the amplitude to
10 Vpp and then change the output termination from 50 ohms to "high
impedance", the amplitude displayed on the function generator's front-panel
will double to 20 Vpp (and no error will be generated). If you change from
"high impedance" to 50 ohms, the displayed amplitude will drop in half.
See the OUTP:LOAD command on page 201 for more information.
as part of the APPLy command as shown below.
APPL:SIN 5.0E+3, 3.0 VRMS, -2.5
Or, you can use the VOLT:UNIT command (see page 203) to specify the output
units for all commands that follow. Unless you specify the units as part of the
APPLy command, the VOLT:UNIT command takes precedence. For example, if
you select "Vrms" using the VOLT:UNIT command and do not include units
with the APPLy command, the value specified for the amplitude parameter in
the APPLy command will be in "Vrms".
Keysight 33210A User's Guide

