Remote Interface Reference
– To ensure synchronization when the Bus source is selected, send the *WAI
– You can use the *OPC? (operation complete query) command or the *OPC
Trigger a sweep or burst from the remote interface. This command can be used
with any of the available trigger sources (TRIG:SOUR command). For example, you
can issue a trigger from the remote interface and use the command with any of
the available trigger sources (TRIG:SOUR command).
Trigger a sweep or burst from the remote interface only if the bus (software)
trigger source is currently selected (TRIG:SOUR BUS command).
TRIGger:SLOPe {POSitive|NEGative}
Select whether the function generator uses the rising edge or falling edge of the
trigger signal on the rear-panel Trig In connector. The default is POS (rising edge).
The :SLOP? query returns "POS" or "NEG".
BURSt:GATE:POLarity {NORMal|INVerted}
Select whether the function generator uses true-high or true-low logic levels
on the rear-panel Trig In connector for an externally-gated burst. The default is
NORM (true-high logic). The :POL? query returns "NORM" or "INV".
(wait) command. When the *WAI command is executed, the function
generator waits for all pending operations to complete before executing any
additional commands. For example, the following command string guarantees
that the first trigger is accepted and the operation is executed before the
second trigger is recognized.
(operation complete) command to signal when the sweep or burst is complete.
The *OPC? command returns "1" to the output buffer when the sweep or burst
is complete. The *OPC command sets the "Operation Complete" bit (bit 0) in
the Standard Event register when the sweep or burst is complete.
Keysight 33210A User's Guide