Error Messages
Data out of range;
PWM deviation
The PWM deviation is limited. Width deviation can be from 0 to the width of the
underlying pulse waveform. Duty cycle deviation can be from 0 to the duty cycle
of the underlying pulse waveform. Both are further limited by the minimum pulse
width and edge time parameters.
Data out of range;
PWM deviation limited by pulse parameters
The PWM deviation is limited by the current pulse parameters. The PWM deviation
(width or duty cycle) is set to accommodate the current pulse width or duty cycle,
edge time, and period.
Data out of range;
d uty cycle; value clipped to ...
The square wave duty cycle is limited to values between 20% and 80% by
instrument hardware.
Data out of range;
d uty cycle limited by frequency; value clipped to upper limit
The square wave duty cycle is limited to values between 40% and 60% when the
frequency is greater than 5 MHz.
Too much data
An arbitrary waveform was specified that contains more than 8,192 waveform
points. Verify the number of points in the DATA VOLATILE or DATA:DAC
VOLATILE command.
Duty Cycle: 20% to 80% (to 5 MHz)
40% to 60% (to 10 MHz)
Keysight 33210A User's Guide