Example: Amplitude Modulation
This program (found in the "Examples\chapter6\AMLowLevel" subdirectory on the
CD-ROM) configures a waveform with amplitude modulation using lower-level
SCPI commands. It also shows how to use the *SAV command to store the
instrument configuration in the function generator's internal memory.
Private Sub cmdAMLowLevels_Click()
End Sub
Keysight 33210A User's Guide
Dim io_mgr As VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Dim Fgen As VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set io_mgr = New VisaComLib.ResourceManager
Set Fgen = New VisaComLib.FormattedIO488
Set Fgen.IO = io_mgr.Open(txtIO.Text)
On Error GoTo MyError
' This program uses low-level SCPI commands to configure
' the function gnerator to output an AM waveform.
' This program also shows how to use "state storage" to
' store the instrument configuration in memory.
With Fgen
.WriteString "*RST"
.WriteString "OUTPut:LOAD 50"
.WriteString "FUNCtion:SHAPe SINusoid"
.WriteString "FREQuency 5000;VOLTage 5"
.WriteString "AM:INTernal:FUNCtion SINusoid"
.WriteString "AM:INTernal:FREQuency 200"
.WriteString "AM:DEPTh 80"
.WriteString "AM:STATe ON"
.WriteString "OUTPut ON"
.WriteString "*SAV 1"
' Use the "*RCL 1" command to recall the stored state
End With
Exit Sub
txtError = Err.Description & vbCrLf
Resume Next
Application Programs
' Reset the function generator
' Clear errors and status registers
' Output termination is 50 Ohms
' Carrier shape is sine
' Carrier freq is 5 kHz @ 5 Vpp
' Modulating shape is sine
' Modulation freq = 200 Hz
' Modulation depth = 80%
' Turn AM modulation on
' Turn on the instrument output
' Store state in memory location 1