displays the commercial descriptions
of the vehicles.
Main databank data display
Displaying the data for the selected vehicle from
the main databank.
copies the vehicle's data into a new user
databank record and opens it in modify mode.
Password input window
To access select the
In the relative fields, enter the old password and
the new one, which you will have to type in again
to check that it is correct.
Vehicle make records
To access select the
Position the cursor on the make card, select it
with ↵ to visualise and/or modify it.
The fields highlighted in blue are compulsory.
during vehicle selection, identifies the
new makes entered by the user, not accompanied
by the specific graphic logo.
Lift check and sensor calibration utility. The
procedures are enabled automatically when
the wheel aligner is switched on if the "Yes"
option is selected for the "Alignment procedure
customisation - Lift test" field in the user set-up.
If the procedure is enabled, the wheel aligner
will recall the lift check screen whenever it is
switched on. The procedure can also be recalled
Operator's Manual EXACT 70 II
from the initial screen using the
This tool allows checking of the mechanical
stability of the lift used for the wheel alignment
check. The lift check function can only be used on
lifts fitted with clamps for the alignment sensors.
For the initial check and whenever you wish to
reset the system, proceed as follows:
1) With the lift lowered, fit the sensors into the
2) level the sensors with the aid of a spirit level;
3) save the sensor values, which will be used for
For daily checks, use only points 1 and 2 of the
complete procedure.
If the lift fails to pass the test, there may have
been mechanical changes in the lift (check that
the lift is level) or the sensors may no longer be
properly calibrated (check the sensor calibration
by recalling the relative procedure).
log contains the date when the data were saved,
the operator and any working notes.
Procedure which allows you to check that the
sensors are correctly calibrated.
check screen.
Proceed as follows:
1) drive the vehicle onto the lift, positioning
2) fit the brake pedal clamp;
3) remove the safety pins from the turntables
4) fit the sensors on the wheels, fitting the front
Lift check – MKS –
Do not use the check procedure to
level the lift.
clamps provided on the lift;
subsequent checks. The default password is
"mercedes". You will be prompted to provide
the operator's name and any working notes.
records the saved data log (fig.49). The
Sensor calibration check (fig.50)
recalls the procedure from the lift
the wheels straight on the turntables and
oscillating footboards;
and slip plates;