9 Verification
According to EU directive 2014/23/EU balances must be officially verified if they are
used as follows (legally controlled area):
a) For commercial transactions if the price of goods is determined by weighing.
b) For the production of medicines in pharmacies as well as for analyses in the
medical and pharmaceutical laboratory.
c) For official purposes
d) For manufacturing final packages
In cases of doubt, please contact your local trade in standard.
Balances in the legally controlled area (-> verified balances) must keep the error
limits in the verification validity period – normally they are the double of the
verification error limits.
When this verification validity period expires, a re-verification must be carried out.
Should be necessary an adjustment of the balance to keep the verification error limits
to satisfy the reverification requirements, this is not deemed a warranty case.
Verification notes:
An EU type approval exists for balances described in their technical data as
verifiable. If the balance is used where obligation to verify exists as described above,
it must be verified and re-verified at regular intervals.
Re-verification of a balance is carried out according to the respective national
regulations. The validity for verification of balances in Germany is e.g. 2 years.
The legal regulation of the country where the balance is used must be observed!
Verification of the balance is invalid without the seal.
The seal marks attached on verified balances point out that the balance may
only be opened and serviced by trained and authorized specialist staff. If the
seal mark is destroyed, verification looses its validity. Please observe all
national laws and legal regulations. In Germany a re-verification will be