comes directly from outside. In this way, for the
device it is not necessary another air intake in the
room of installation. To make this it is necessary
to prepare a conduct connected directly with the
external part of the house and make a direct con
Picture 13 - Installation with air intake in the room of installation and installation with air intake directly con-
nected to the wood fired cooker/thermal cooker.
Picture 14 - Possible connections of the air intake of the cooker/thermal cooker. A= External air intake not
connected, B= External air intake on the floor, C=External air intake on the wall.
To make the connection easier we suggest to make
the external air intake on the floor in correspond
ence with the internal part of the plinth, or on the
wall through the rear part of the device (see table 3
WARNING! Aspiring hoods or extracting air fans in the room may generate problems
to the device if there is not a suited air intake or in case of air intake sub-dimensioned.
nection with the air intake of the device. The air in
take of the cooker is located inside the woodbox in
correspondence of the combustion chamber. For
the connection, we suggest to use a flexible pipe.
and pictures 15a and 15b). Are also possible other
solutions for the connection but they must be de
cided together with Rizzoli.