Table des Matières


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Programme List

You can choose from 18 programmes:
Programme 1: Standard
For standard bread doughs, such as wheat breads and mixed-type breads made from
wheat and rye fl our.
Programme 2: Französisches Brot (French Bread)
For light breads made from fi ne fl our. The bread is normally airy and has a crispy crust,
like traditional French white bread.
Programme 3: Süßes Brot (Sweet Bread)
For sweet breads containing special ingredients such as extra sugar, raisins, chocolate,
coconut fl akes, etc. A longer rise time makes the dough particularly light and airy.
Programme 4: Extra schnelles Backen (Extra Fast Baking)
In this programme, the times for kneading, proving and baking are reduced to 1 hour. The
end result is a very coarse, solid bread.
Note: The bread becomes much harder than on other programmes.
Programme 5: Schnelles backen (Fast Baking)
In this programme, the times for kneading, proving and baking are reduced to 2 hours.
The end result is a coarse, solid bread.
Programme 6: Kuchen (Cake)
For normal sponge cakes made with baking powder or soda. The ingredients are mixed
together, proved and baked.
Programme 7: Dessert
For desserts that need to be baked. The ingredients are mixed together, proved and
GEWICHT (Weight)
The weight of the bread (550 g or 700 g) is selected by pressing
repeatedly. The chosen weight is shown on the display.
KRUSTE (Breadcrust)
Level of browning of the crust (Light, Medium or Dark) is se-
lected by pressing repeatedly. The chosen level of browning is
shown on the display.
ZEIT (Time)
The time which is preset in the programme can be extended or
shortened by pressing the arrow buttons.
Keep them held down to run through the time quickly.
Crust of the bread: Light – Medium – Dark (top left)
Weight of the bread: 550 g – 700 g (top right)
Programme (bottom left)
Remaining time (bottom right)


Table des Matières

Table des Matières