Type 8694
Calculated bus line length:
When designing the system, consider the length of the cable which is fed directly to the positioner for the
maximum bus line length (multi-pole cable and cable inside: 1.0 m).
Example calculation:
When using 62 positioner with multi-pole cable, the AS-Interface flat cable may still be maximum 38 m long.
100 m – 62 x 1.0 m = 38 m
If the calculated bus line length of 100 m is exceeded, a commercially available AS-Interface repeater can be
Handling the ribbon cable terminal
The multi-pole cable features a ribbon cable terminal - with M12 plug-in connector branch circuit - for AS-Interface
flat cable. The ribbon cable terminal contacts the AS-Interface flat cable by means of penetration technology which
allows installation by "clipping in" the AS-Interface flat cable without cutting and without removing insulation.
Figure 45:
Ribbon cable terminal
When the supply voltage is applied, the positioner is operating.
Make the required basic settings and actuate the automatic adjustment of the positioner, as described in the
chapter entitled "12 Start-up".
Work steps:
M12 plug-in con-
nector branch circuit
Open the ribbon cable terminal
(loosen screws and remove cover)
Insert flat cable conclusively
Close ribbon cable terminal again
Tighten screws
Slightly undo thread-forming screws
(approx. 3/4 turn to the left) and position them on the
existing tapped bore and screw in.