Blood Collection Tube
Protective Lancet Tab
An unused test, or test that has not yet been activated by pressing the Buffer Release Button,
will show three faint orange lines in the Result Window.
Unused Test
- Check the expiration date on all packaging.
Lance Finger
Collect Blood
1. Tear open the foil pouch at the indicated perforation and remove the test just prior to testing.
2. Use standard precautions for collecting and handling a fingerstick blood sample.
3. Twist and pull to remove the Protective Lancet Tab. Firmly press the lancet to puncture the skin. Wipe away the first drop
of blood with gauze. Gently massage finger to encourage blood flow to obtain a drop of blood that hangs from the finger.
4. Place Blood Collection Tube at a 45 degree angle below the finger, making contact with the hanging drop of blood.
Avoid direct contact with the patient's finger. ENSURE BLOOD COLLECTION TUBE IS COMPLETELY FULL.
Note: Capillary action will automatically draw the blood sample into the Blood Collection Tube.
5. Once the Blood Collection Tube is completely filled with blood, rotate it over the Blood Transfer Zone.
ENSURE THAT BLOOD IS TRANSFERRED TO THE TEST STRIP. Wait for ~5-10 seconds before proceeding to step #6.
Note: If the blood does not immediately transfer onto the test strip, reverse the Blood Collection Tube's rotation
back to its original position and add additional blood to fill the tube. There will be some resistance. Once the Blood
Collection Tube is completely filled, rotate it over the Blood Transfer Zone. ENSURE THAT BLOOD IS TRANSFERRED TO
THE TEST STRIP. Wait for ~5-10 seconds before proceeding to step #6.
6. Lay the test on a flat surface. Blood must be visible on the test strip before releasing buffer. Activate the test by firmly
and fully pressing the Buffer Release Button to deliver the buffer. The Buffer Release Button should be pressed within
1 minute of transferring the blood sample.
Note: If no fluid is visible within 25-30 seconds, firmly re-press the Buffer Release Button.
7. Read results at the 10-minute mark. If the blood has not cleared at 10 minutes, wait for the background to clear before
reading the test results. Do not read the test results after 1 hour. Dispose of test in the proper biohazard receptacle.
Blood Transfer Zone
Bu er Release Button
Deliver Blood
Blood Transfer Confirmation Window
Result Window
10 min.
Deliver Buffer
Any blood in Blood
Transfer Confirmation
Window, read result.
Blood sample not
transferred. Discard
test and retest with
a new FebriDx test.
Check Blood Transfer