"closes" all numbers first but is behind in points, he/she must continue to score on the "open" numbers. If the
player does not make up the point deficit before the opposing player(s) "closes" all the numbers, the opposing
side wins. Play continues until all segments are closed.
(Press SELECT button when Cricket is displayed) Same rules as standard Cricket except there is no point
scoring. The object of this version is to be the first to simply "close" all the appropriate numbers (15 through 20
and the bullseye). Note: LCD models have cricket and no-score cricket as separate games, but LED models have
these games as 1 game.
Cricket Scoring Display: This dartboard utilizes a dedicated scoreboard that keeps track of each player's
segment status when playing Cricket. The exclusive Tournament Cricket Scoring display on this dartboard
utilizes traditional X and O style characters to track 'marks'. When Cricket is selected, the lights on the Cricket
scoreboard are not lit – they will illuminate as 'marks' are scored. There are 3 separate lights within each number
(15 through 20 and bullseye). During play, one of the status lights will turn on as a segment is hit. If a double or
triple of an active number is hit, 2 or 3 lights will turn on respectively.
GAME 3: SCRAM (For 2 players only)
This game is a variation of Cricket. The game consists of two rounds. The players have a different objective in
each round. In round 1, player 1 tries to "close" (score 3 hits in each segment - 15 to 20 and bullseye). During
this time, player 2 attempts to rack up as many points in the segments that the other player has not yet closed.
Once player 1 has closed all segments, round 1 is complete. In round 2, each player's roles are reversed. Now,
player 2 tries to close all the segments while player 1 goes for points. The game is over when round 2 is
complete (player 2 closes all segments). The player with the highest point total is the winner.
Same basic rules as standard Cricket except once scoring begins, points are added to your opponent(s) total. The
object of this game is to end up with the fewest points. This variation of Cricket offers a different psychology to
the players. Rather than adding to your own score and helping your own cause as in standard Cricket, Cut-Throat
offers the benefit of racking up points for your opponent(s), digging him in a deeper hole. Competitive players
will love this variation!