1 Quick Reference
[:LEVel] <value>
:SLOPe POSitive|NEGative Sets the slope of the signal.
:SOURce <source>
[:LEVel] <value>
:SLOPe POSitive|NEGative Sets the slope of the signal.
:SOURce <source>
:SOURce <source>
:SOURce <source>
Returns the SCPI version that the instrument complies with.
Generates an immediate trigger.
Sets the triggered level of the output.
Returns the indices where triggers were captured.
Returns the number of triggers captured during the acquisition.
Sets the acquire trigger source: BUS|CURRent1|EXTernal|PIN<1-7>|TRANsient1|VOLTage1
Enables measurement triggers to be sent to a digital port pin.
Sets the triggered level of the output.
Selects the trigger source for arbitrary waveforms: BUS |EXTernal |IMMediate |PIN<1-7>
Generates an immediate trigger.
Selects the trigger source for external data logging: BUS |EXTernal |IMMediate |PIN<1-7>
Generates an immediate trigger.
Selects the transient trigger source: BUS |EXTernal |IMMediate |PIN<1-7>
Keysight RP7970 & RP7980 Series Operating and Service Guide