Current: The last value must be 0. All previous values must range from 0 to
102% of the unit's current rating. *RST values: 1% of nominal, 0.8% of nom-
inal, 0.0
Voltage: The first value must be 0. All subsequent values must range from
0 to 102% of the unit's voltage rating. *RST values: 0.0, 0.8% of nominal,
1% of nominal
Program a simple current table: SAS:TABL1:CURR 20,15,0
Program a simple voltage table: SAS:TABL1:VOLT 0,100,120
The points are validated when using SAS:TABL:ACT or SAS:TABL:UPD. If the points do not rep-
resent a valid set, an error will be generated.
Table values are not saved as part of the instrument state with the *SAV command.
If no table number is specified [1 or 2], the commands default to TABLe 1.
These commands return the number of data points assigned to the voltage and current arrays that
define the SAS characteristic when Table mode is selected.
Return the number of data points in a current table: SAS:TABL1:CURR:POIN?
Return the number of data points in a voltage table: SAS:TABL1:VOLT:POIN?
If no table number is specified [1 or 2], the commands default to TABLe 1.
Keysight RP7970 & RP7980 Series Operating and Service Guide
5 SCPI Programming Reference
Typical Return
<value 1>,
<value 2>,
<value 3>...
<value 1>,
<value 2>,
<value 3>...
Typical Return