:TRANsient 0|OFF|1|ON
:FUNCtion PRIMary|SECondary|NONE
[:STATe] 0|OFF|1|ON
:DELay <delay>
:ADDRess <bus address>
[:STATe] 0|OFF|1|ON
[:STATe] 0|OFF|1|ON
Keysight RP7970 & RP7980 Series Operating and Service Guide
Initiates the measurement trigger system.
Initiates external data logging.
Initiates the transient trigger system.
Continuously initiates the transient trigger system.
Sets the primary/secondary function
Connects the primary to previously discovered secondary units
Specifies an auto-connect delay after power-on
Automatic connect at power-on or by command
Discovers bus connected primary units
Reset the primary configuration
Sets the secondary bus address
Turns the front panel LXI identify indicator on or off.
Sets the MDNS state
Takes a measurement; returns the averaged current.
Takes a measurement; returns the rms current (ac + dc).
Takes a measurement; returns the High level of a current pulse.
Takes a measurement; returns the Low level of a current pulse.
Takes a measurement; returns the maximum current.
Takes a measurement; returns the minimum current.
Takes a measurement; returns the averaged power.
Takes a measurement; returns the maximum power.
Takes a measurement; returns the minimum power.
Takes a measurement; returns the averaged voltage.
Takes a measurement; returns the rms voltage (ac + dc).
Takes a measurement; returns the High level of a voltage pulse.
1 Quick Reference