4 Using the Regenerative Power System
The following SAS commands are not available in Curve mode.
TABLe:ACTivate 1|2
TABLe:SELect 1|2
TABLe:UPDate 1|2
In normal solar array operation, the front panel status annunciator reports CC (constant-current)
status. If the solar array curve operates outside the normal operating boundaries, the front panel
status annunciator reports either VL+ (positive voltage limit) or CL- (negative current limit) status.
Most SAS errors involve curve and table parameters being outside of the acceptable parameter limits.
For example:
Error 335, VMP must be less than VOC (when the curve shape is set to Space)
Error 337, IMP must be less than or equal to ISC (when the curve shape is set to Space)
Error 336, VMP must be less than 0.99 * VOC (when the curve shape is set to Terrestrial)
Error 338, IMP must be less than 0.99 * ISC (when the curve shape is set to Terrestrial)
Other errors can occur if the VMP or IMP is less than the allowable range of values, if the computed (or
true) VOC exceeds the maximum voltage setting of the instrument, or if the slope of the curve is
greater than the allowable maximum dI/dV of 1.947.
Error 339, VMP and/or IMP too small
Error 340, Computed VOC exceeds max voltage setting (when the curve shape is set to Terrestrial)
Error 315, Settings conflict error; dI/dV is <calculated value>, maximum is 1.947
Model Equations
When operating in Curve mode, you may select from two sets of equations to model a solar array.
These are referred to as the space curve shape and terrestrial curve shape. Refer to the
Space Curve Shape
The following equations describe the solar array simulator space model using the parameters Rs, N,
and a, which are defined as functions of the four input parameters Voc, Vmp, Isc, and Imp.
all VOLT:BWID commands
all VOLT[:LEV] commands
all VOLT:LIM commands
all VOLT:MODE commands except FIXed
all VOLT:RES commands
Activates a table
Selects a table
Updats a table
Keysight RP7970 & RP7980 Series Operating and Service Guide