1 Quick Reference
:LEVel <value>
[:AMPLitude] <value>
[:AMPLitude] <value>
[:TIME] <value>
:STARt SCHange|CCTRans
[:IMMediate] <value>|INFinity
:MAXimum 0|OFF|1|ON
:DATA <value>
:FUNCtion <function>
:POLarity POSitive|NEGative
[:ENABle] 0|OFF|1|ON
:COUNt <value>|INFinity
[:LEVel] <value>{,<value>}
:DWELl <value>{,<value>}
Sets the bandwidth limit of voltage programming.
Sets the current limit when in voltage and power priority mode.
Sets the current limit when in voltage priority mode.
Sets the transient mode.
Sets the over-current protection delay.
Specifies what starts the over-current protection delay timer.
Enables or disables the over-current protection.
Sets the current slew rate.
Enables or disables the maximum slew rate override.
Reads the state of the digital control port.
Sets the state of the digital control port.
Sets pin function. DIO|DINPut|FAULt|INHibit|ONCouple|OFFCouple |TOUTput|TINPut
Sets the pin polarity.
Enables or disables BUS triggers on digital port pins.
Sets the output regulation priority - current, power, or voltage.
Sets the list repeat count.
Specifies the setting for each list step.
Returns the number of current points.
Specifies the dwell time for each list step.
Returns the number of dwell points.
Keysight RP7970 & RP7980 Series Operating and Service Guide