The ECO MX NANO electrolyser unit can generate a number of alarms which can stop the system.
The information below can be used to resolve control unit malfunctions.
To see the current alarms. Press the "ALARM"
("Alarme") button in the main menu (HOME)
or "PRODUCTION" sub-menu.
The alarms screen will be displayed.
The "PT100 T° REACTOR 1 ERROR" ("Défaut
PT100 T° REACTEUR 1") alarm indicates that
the reactor 1 PT 100 sensor has failed.
9.1 "HIGH tEMPEraturE" alarM
The temperature detected at the electrode exceeds maximum allowable temperature
Possible causes:
- The softened water supply has stopped
or is insufficient.
9.2 "PoWEr oVErloaD" alarM
The current inside the production reactor is less than a threshold defined in the programming.
The voltage required to maintain the normal current is therefore too high.
Possible causes:
- The system does not have enough salt,
the brine reservoir is empty.
The system does not have enough salt, the brine injection pump is malfunctioning.
Possible causes:
- The system does not have enough salt,
the peristaltic brine pump is malfunctioning.
Technical manual ECO MX NANO electrolyser code EN_P0011183 - Rev 7 - 19/04/2019
9. trouBlE sHootING
- Acknowledge the alarm by pressing the "RESET" button
and the system will resume normal function.
- Add salt if necessary, wait at least four hours for the salt
to dissolve and the brine to saturate.
- Acknowledge the fault by pressing the "RESET" button.
- Return the system to operation by carrying out
the "RECOMMISSIONING" ("Remise en service") procedure.
- Check that the peristaltic brine pump is functioning
- Check the condition of the non-return valve.
- Check the condition of the intake tubing.
- Acknowledge the fault by pressing the "RESET" button
- Return the system to operation by carrying out
the "RECOMMISSIONING" ("Remise en service") procedure.