LED (Light) Locations and Battery Status
LED Light Bar
Light indicator
on the front of
the controls
Shade LED Indications
The shade LED is located on the end of your shade and provides
additional valuable feedback. Avoid excessively bright conditions for
better visibility. If there is no operation or LED indication when a
command is sent to the shade motor, replace the batteries to resolve.
LED Action
Amber flashing
Red flashing
Replacement batteries: 8AA Lithum per battery case; larger shades may
require multiple battery cases
Remote LED Indications
If the battery within the remote is completely discharged, there will be no
LED feedback when a button is pressed. Always replace battery as a first
solution if the LED does not light with a button press.
Replacement battery: #CR2430
After motor operation
After motor operation
LED Action
Green flashing only
Amber flash after
green flash sequence
Red flash after green
flash sequence
Shade batteries are
at ~ 20%
Shade batteries
require replacement
After button press
After button press
After button press
Remote battery
is good
Remote battery is low
Remote battery
require replacement
Shade LED
Light indicator on
the shade end