5 | Fitting the collet chuck
Fitting the collet chuck
70 / 240
Injuries due to insufficient securing on assembly, incorrect
tightening torque of the screws.
Crushing due to falling of the collet chuck.
Ø Use tapped holes for transport purposes.
Ø Observe tightening torque of the screws.
Ø Wear personal protective equipment.
Crushing injuries and cuts due to start-up of the machine dur-
ing set-up work.
Flying parts may cause serious injuries.
Ø Disconnect the power supply before assembly.
Ø Protect the machine against being re-started.
Ø Wear personal protective equipment.
Starting up the collet chuck while working on the collet
Injuring or getting your hand caught.
Ø Disconnect power supply before carrying out the work.
Risk of burns due to hot surfaces.
Burns on hands.
Ø Do not touch the collet chuck when in operation.
Ø Allow the collet chuck to cool down before carrying out neces-
sary work.
Ø Wear personal protective equipment.
1242467 CAPTIS-M