1 | About this Operating Manual
Liability and Warranty
All information and instructions in this Operating manual are given in good
faith on the basis of our experience and knowledge to date. The products of
RÖHM are constantly developed. RÖHM therefore reserves the right to
make any modifications and improvements deemed useful. However, there
is no obligation to extend these modifications and extensions to any previ-
ously delivered collet chucks. The collet chuck is constructed exclusively for
the purpose specified under "Intended Use". Any use beyond this is
deemed to be inappropriate. RÖHM is not liable for damage resulting from
such use. The risk is borne solely by the operator. Product liability for con-
sequential damage of any type is excluded for damage and operational in-
terruptions resulting from operating errors, failure to observe this Operating
manual or incorrect maintenance by unauthorised personnel.
RÖHM expressly points out that replacement and wear parts not supplied
by RÖHM must be authorised by RÖHM. RÖHM does not accept liability for
unauthorised replacement and wear parts This applies to both product liab-
ility for consequential damage of all types and to liability for damage to
All unauthorised conversions, modifications to the collet chuck and/or
changes in conditions are not permitted for safety reasons and exclude
RÖHM from any liability for any damage which may result. If modifications
to the collet chuck are necessary or the area of use differs from the inten-
ded use, this must be agreed with the express permission of RÖHM.
The statutory and contractually agreed terms and conditions apply.
The following damage or defects are excluded from the warranty:
▪ caused by the operator due to non-compliance with the written instruc-
tions of RÖHM with regard to
◦ commissioning (e.g. incorrect construction and assembly work),
◦ operation and
◦ maintenance of the equipment (insofar as this maintenance has not been
contractually taken over by RÖHM).
▪ caused by technical operating conditions unknown to RÖHM (e.g.
chemical or electrolytic influences) and/or machine specifications.
▪ caused by natural wear.
▪ caused by force majeure.
▪ caused by incorrect operation of all types or by incorrect use or opera-
tion of the collet chuck. This also includes loading beyond the specified
load limits (e.g. speed, pressure, force, etc.).
This also includes damage caused
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