ROYAL evo 7
15.4. The "...+" mixers
for fixed-wing models only
-100% ... OFF ... 100%
Adjust. range
All mixer settings can be assigned to a
3D digi-adjustor
The ROYALevo7 offers what we call "...+" mixers for all
fixed-wing model templates. These are specially
matched to suit the model template, and cover all rele-
vant mixer functions.
The following mixers are available:
Mixer for elevator, with compensating
inputs for:
spoilers (airbrakes), flaps, throttle
Mixer for V-tail, with compensating
inputs for:
spoilers (airbrakes), flaps, throttle
Mixer for deltas and flying wings with
compensation for throttle (motor)
Mixer for models with two aileron
servos with the following inputs:
spoilers (ailerons as landing aid), flaps
(ailerons used to alter wing camber),
elevator (to support the elevator
Mixer for camber-changing flap ser-
vos on four-flap glider wings, with the
following inputs:
spoilers (flaps as landing aid), flaps
(flaps used to alter wing camber), ele-
vator (to support the elevator func-
Which "...+" mixers are available in the various model
templates, and how each mixer works in detail, is de-
scribed in detail in the Model Template sections (
The Mixer main menu is a dynamic menu, i.e. only
those mixers are displayed which are actually used on
the model in question.
How the "...+" mixers work
The "...+" mixers work in the same way as the freely de-
finable 5-way mixers of the ROYALevo 9 / 12. The basic
principle is the proven one adopted in the MULTIPLEX
PROFI mc 3000 and 4000 series of radio control systems.
It can easily be described in the following way:
Always start from the "control functions", or the move-
ments of a servo. Example: aileron servo in a model
glider (example AILERON+ mixer):
Under which circumstances should this servo (or these
servos) move?
When the "aileron" control is operated (primary
When the "spoiler" control is operated
(large up-movement of ailerons as landing aid)
When the "flap" control is operated
(slight up / down aileron travel to alter the wing
camber for thermal and speed flying)
When the "elevator" control is operated
(up/down aileron travel to support elevator re-
sponse in aerobatics
From this it is clear that the aileron servos are actually
controlled by four transmitter controls. The AILERON+
mixer therefore has four inputs (up to 5 inputs are pos-
The mixer adds together the values / signals of the indi-
vidual inputs (thus the sum symbol £) and passes on
the result to the aileron servos (AILERON+).
For MULTIPLEX PROFI mc 3000 / 4000 connoisseurs:
On the ROYALevo7 the mixer inputs are set at the
mixer, rather than at the servos.
The mixer inputs are set up at one point in the Mixer
menu, rather than at several (servos). The set-up process
is therefore simpler and less time-consuming. This
change also makes it simple to assign the input value to
a 3D digi-adjustor for convenient in-flight adjustment.
This does make it important to calibrate the servos care-
fully (
16.1.), otherwise it is not guaranteed that a
model, for example with ailerons deflected up for the
landing, will fly straight on the approach, because the
travel of the ailerons may not be identical.
How to set up "...+" mixers
Note: first calibrate the servos, then set up the mixer (
Page 38
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Ex.: AILERON+ mixer
Fig. 3
Mixer inputs
Mixer values